
New Year, new books, new pages.

Hello, friends! I’ve absolutely sucked at posting updates the last couple years. But one of my resolutions is to get on here and actually post some updates about my reading, reviews, challenges, all that good stuff!! I’m also planning to post some of my BuJo pages, so if you see any you’d like to see updates for, let me know!! Hope your new year is starting out well, I’ve been sick for nearly a week now, so hopefully this will pass. Love to everyone.


BuJo- Yay or Nay?

I don’t know about you guys, but I haven’t always had a journal or diary or anything but a few years back, I got super into using a Bullet Journal.

I love how much you can really make them your own and how many different kinds there are out there.

So, would you guys be interested in seeing how I’ve set mine up this year? In seeing the different pens and markers I use and all that jazz? I LOVE seeing other people’s stuff because I think they’re always so unique to the person themselves.

Like this, comment, follow me if you’d like to start seeing some journal updates as well as my book stuff. Still first and foremost a book blogger, with a passion for my BuJo. 🙂
