Question, Uncategorized


Guys. Once again, I feel like I’m apologizing for being absent for so long. It’s never intentional, but life gets in the way sometimes and the last few months have been hectic.

So, what should I post next? Books and ratings for my reads so far this year? Reviews from August? My current update for books on my shelves? I’ve got so much I want to talk about and having trouble finding my footing.

Any suggestions for a new meme or topic you’d love to see more of, comment below. I implore you to help a girl out. Love you, awesome nerds.

-Lauren xx

backlist tbr, Book Reviews, Fantasy, Young Adult

Thorns and Magic

First read of the year! Trying to actually get through some of my books that I own this year, starting with some Owlcrate reads or just books that have been sitting on my shelf for FAR too long. I’ve got so many books that I need to read, and this was a wonderful place to start.

4/5 stars for this beauty! 1/1-1/2

I’m so glad this was the first read of the new year for me. This was such a great fantasy read, I was sucked in almost immediately. The whole world within this story was fantastic and I absolutely adored the story from beginning to end.

I loved Violet and loved watching her really come into her own throughout this book. She felt human, despite her powers, and I liked that. The characters were so real and raw to me, even being in a fantasy setting, they didn’t feel like your typical fantasy characters.

I loved the world-building in this one and would love to learn more about the world. I cannot wait for a continuation of this series! This series is definitely on my list to continue when book two comes out! If anyone hears any news, feel free to let me know, otherwise I’ll be posting updates here!


What was *your* first read of the year? What’s your reading goal? Mine is 75 and I’m officially 5 books in!

Drop a comment below! Hope you’re having a great new year so far!
