Adult Fiction, Book Reviews, dystopian, Fantasy, Young Adult

Mars, Castles, and Crawdads

Alright, time to post a few more reviews, because I’m up to 12 books this month and have only posted 4 so far, so here goes reads 5-7!

(Reread) 5/5 for this beauty, read number 5, read 1/9-1/14

Because my first review of this book was beyond terrible, here I go again.

I cannot begin to explain my love for this story. Brown does not hold back when it comes to exploiting all of life’s hardships and showing that time and time again, life throws you curve balls and no matter how hard you hit rock bottom, there’s always something more that life can take from you.

This is not a happy book. It’s brutal and ruthless and if you want something that will make you smile for any measure of time, this isn’t it.

Darrow is such a kickass hero and I absolutely love his progression, though, again, it’s all hardship. He only progresses because life continues to deal him bad cards when all he really wants is to avenge his wife.

Parts of this book are like hunger games but so much worse and it’s mind-boggling.

I love the setting, I love the writing, I love the world building and the unique characters. I cannot wait to read the next book!!


5/5 for this lovely little book. Read number 6, read 1/14-1/17

Aside from Percy Jackson, it’s been a while since I’ve read a Middle Grade book, but I’ve been dying to read this for a while now and I’m so glad I finally did. I thoroughly enjoyed this from start to finish.

It was such a pleasure reading about Sophie and Howl in book form. I loved the book even more than I had anticipated and I was so worried I’d be comparing the book and movie too much, but I didn’t and still have such a love for the movie, and now I get to love the book.

I understand some of the changes made from the book to the movie, but I loved seeing the story in its original form. I would have loved to have read this in elementary school, young Lauren would have loved this story. But I can still appreciate it as the wonderful story it is, and for that I am thankful.

I’ve already got the second book on my shelf and will definitely be getting ahold of the third, cannot wait to continue with this world.


4/5 for this beautiful book. Read number 7, read 12/28-1/18

Man, what a read. I ended up reading through the second half of the book in one sitting, I just had to find out what happened to Kya and how everything played out.

This was a beautiful tale about someone’s true, unabashed will power in every aspect of life. Kya had to fend for herself at such a young age and it seemed every time something good came into her life, the tides of life swept it away from her. Yet she still turned out to be such an incredible young woman and I just felt her story so much, it resonated so deep for me.

Yes, her life is one in a million in the regards of how it turned out and no, it definitely would not happen the same way for many others. But Kya had so much strength and determination and despite being so walled off from others, she still managed to hold her head high and to love.


What have you been reading? See any here you’ve read or want to read? Let me know down below!


Adult Fiction, Book Reviews, Contemporary, dystopian, Fantasy, Paranormal, Sci-Fi, Uncategorized, Young Adult

January’s Reads (2022)

This year started off pretty well, I’ve actually done quite a bit of reading so far. We started off the year with a whole lot of packing- 3 moving truck’s worth. And then we spent quite a bit of time driving across the country to our new home in Kentucky. It’s been an adventure, for sure and we’re so happy to be here. But, here’s what I read in January of 2022:

1. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. FINALLY listened to the audio version and loved it, then listened to it again on our drive out here with my boyfriend so he could finally read this book.
5/5 on this read, as always.


I’m writing this review all over again because I just absolutely love this book and even though it’s a re-read I think I fell even more in love with this book.

Kristoff and Kaufman are just absolutely genius when it comes to collaborations, this was such an incredible story and such a UNIQUE way to tell it. It’s got some of the most amazing writing because half the time you don’t even realize it’s such an odd format and you’re so into the story that you look down after reading for half an hour and you’ve flown through more than 50 pages because you’re just so engrossed.

The characters are amazing as well. Kady being the badass she was from beginning to end and seeing every side of Ezra and just… gahhh. They’re both so genuine! And then there’s AIDAN. Fuck, man.

This book just raises so many questions and brings up so much about humanity and it’s highs and lows and everything in between. The more I sit here and revel over everything that happens, the more I just want to read it over and over again. Literally, it’s that good.

And now I’m just rambling, but I LOVE this book.

2. A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout. A solid 4/5 for me.


This was a great continuation of Poppy’s story. I absolutely love her as a character and the world-building in this book was fantastic. I love these characters so much and getting to read their journey has been great.

These books are pretty spicy and I absolutely love that about them. Armentrout is such a great author and I love seeing her expand her universes from beyond the same sort of formular, her writing gets better as she goes. Definitely can’t wait to finish the series.

3. How Not to Fall in Love by Jacqueline Firkins. 4/5

A huge thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of this book. I am voluntarily leaving a review, all opinions are my own.

This book was so cute. I loved Harper and despite her being blind to certain things, it felt real. Everything came together in a way that thrilled me, but there were some realistic bumps along the way.

I flew through this book in what would’ve been one sitting, but ended up being two. It was so cute, I had to know how it all played out.

I definitely want to check out other books by this author because I loved the way she writes. Overall, a very cute romance, and a very quick read.

4. The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood. 5/5

One of the best fake dating stories I’ve yet to come across. This book was so cute from beginning to end, I honestly can’t recommend it highly enough.

I absolutely loved Olive and loved watching her grow over the course of the book. I loved her friends. Anh especially and all the shenanigans she forced Olive into, especially when it came to Adam.

I flew through more than half of this book in one sitting because I had to know how it all played out.

5. The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson. 4/5

What a ride. I definitely enjoy the mystery aspect behind these books and can’t wait to read the next one to see where it goes. This one progressed nicely over such a short period of time and I really want to know what happened to the added mysteries towards the end.

Stevie still isn’t my favorite character, but I did like her in this one more than the last, I feel like she’s grown a bit, but she’s still annoying at times- I wish she’d just tell people the damn truth more often, but I digress.

With how this one ended, I immediately went online and purchased the next one, so hopefully I’ll have it in my hands soon so I can see what happens next.

6 & 7: The Hunger Games and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. 4/5 and 5/5


Boy, oh boy. I read this again for the first time in years as a buddy read with two of my absolute best friends, Ashley and Tiffany. I loved this even more than I thought I would and ended up finishing the book in two sittings. (oops)

I loved seeing how different this was from the movie after just having watched it a few days prior, and as always, the book is better. There are a lot of little moments of rebellion, certain things said or done by characters that are omitted from the movie and I feel like that takes away some of the oomph from certain moments. Haymitch’s character is toned down so much from the movies, but I feel like it was so important for him to sober up enough to help them throughout, seeing as that’s not his usual operating status; You can tell right off the bat when they start going at him that he realizes he may actually have a chance of seeing one of them make it through.

I love Katniss even more in the books, being inside her head as she goes through everything she does gives you way more insight as to why she’s making the decisions she does and I feel like that’s something they really couldn’t do in the movie.

I’m sad that they cut Madge out of the movie because her character is one Katniss actually thinks rather kindly of, and that’s big for Katniss.

There are so many details left out of the movie but this book really sets the stage for the rest of the series and gives you a good understanding of how much the people of Panem suffer on a regular basis at the hands of the Capitol.

Catching Fire:
Another book that I had absolutely no problem plowing through. I contained myself more with this one because it’s my favorite, but still finished earlier than we had planned for our buddy read. Oops.

Yet again, I forgot just how much of the “little” moments were left out of this book- Madge yet again, Darius, and so much else. I loved getting to know some of the other victors from the other districts, even if they were in less favorable conditions.

The games in this book take up so little of the book itself, but the arena is beyond crazy with how it’s set up. And again, all the little things Katniss misses until it’s too late- like the watch at the beginning.

This series will forever hold a special place in my heart, it was one that really kicked my love of all things sci-fi and dystopian into gear and made me that much more of an avid reader.

Whelp. I read 7 books in January and all in all, it was a great moth of reading. Did you read any new favorites in January this year? I know, it’s going back a while, but this has actually been fun getting to reflect on what I’ve read so far this year. The Love Hypothesis is definitely a new favorite for me! That’s all for now.

Book Reviews, dystopian, Sci-Fi, Young Adult



DEV1AT3 by Jay Kristoff

Read: 6/25/19 – 7/9/19


“Sometimes you don’t know you’ve crossed the line till you’re on the other side.”

Oh boy. It’s hard to believe how quickly everything has progressed for these poor characters. This book really pushed the storyline forward and presented us with even more twists and turns for these poor characters. Right off the bat, we meet some new characters and the way Kristoff manages to weave them into the story so naturally is brilliant.

Lemon. Poor fucking Lemon. She’s gone through hell and back already and yet here she’s tossed around yet again and in for a whole new ride. From beginning to end, Lemon’s chapters were my favorite because I just absolutely adore her and I was always so invested in what was going on with her. She’s such a strong little badass and I just absolutely love her so much.

Zeke. I can’t imagine what’s going on in his poor head. I mean, when it really comes down to it, he’s only had a couple years to learn how to control his emotions. Even if he did it quicker than humans, that’s still leaving him with the emotional control and understanding of a child. And with all the shit he’s gone through, it’s a wonder he’s not bat-shit crazy.

CRICKET. My poor little baby. Not going to lie, Cricket’s POV always made me so sad, it’s honestly hard to have to watch him obey orders and stuff when he really doesn’t want to. But boy does he have some development in this one. So proud of him.

I want to just write about everything that happened and everything I loved and hated, but that would mean loads of spoilers and I’m not about that. All I can say is, no matter how hard I tried to anticipate the next twist, I was never able to guess what was coming next. Kristoff has got a knack of keeping you on your toes until the last page, and always making you want more afterwards. Thank you, Kristoff, for what I’m sure is going to be a horrible book hangover.



Book Reviews, dystopian, Sci-Fi, Uncategorized, Young Adult



LIFEL1K3 by Jay Kristoff

Read: 6/16/19-6/20/19


“Your past doesn’t make calls on your future. It doesn’t matter who you were. Only who you are.”

Guys. I cannot express my love for this book enough. There’s just absolutely no way I can do any sort of justice for this masterpiece. Kristoff, you’ve done it again, damnit. This book was one that I couldn’t put down and that I loved for so many reasons, I just can’t get over it. I will have the absolute WORST book hangover because of this.

This book was a mashup of so many different worlds and stories and through it all, it was one of the most unique and gripping books that I’ve ever read. Guys, this was Mad Max, I, Robot, Alita: Battle Angel, Anastasia, and so many others and I cannot- CANNOT express how much I loved it. I don’t know how Kristoff made it work, but he did. And he made it work so well.

Plus, it was full of beautiful quotes like these:

“Breathing in the ink and feeling all those wonderful lives beneath you fingertips. In between the pages, I’m an emperor. An adventurer. A warrior and a wanderer. In between pages I’m not myself-and more myself than in any other place on earth.”

“It’s simple to love someone on the days that are easy. But you find out what your love is made of on the days that are hard.”

“Your scars tell who you are. Your skin is the page, and your scars are the ink, telling the story of your life.”

And those are just some of my favorites.

Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? That prologue was absolutely heart wrenching. Kristoff didn’t waste time letting you know this book was going to be a damn tragedy.

“Almost everybody called her Eve”

And boy, did I love our MC. Eve and her fauxhawk had me hooked from the first page. She’s determined, stubborn, and just an all-around badass.

Lemon Fresh. I kid you not, you guys, that’s her name. And I adore her. She and Eve had one of the purest, most refreshing friendships I’ve ever read about in a book. They were sisters in something so far beyond blood and I absolutely loved their friendship.

CRICKET. Cutest little robot in the world. He reminded me a bit of Marvin from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy but only because of the big old head. He was just an absolute delight and I love how much he hated on Ezekiel as they interacted. All I can say is: him fixing the window in the car.

Kaiser. What a good boy. Every good dystopian or sci-fi novel needs man’s best friend, right? The way Kristoff introduced and used the blitzhunds in this novel. SO. COOL. All I wanted to do was give Kaiser a good scratch behind the ears and take him home with me. That dog is TOUGH.
Ezekiel. Gahhh. I honestly feel for him. I don’t want to say a whole lot, so that I’m not giving away any plot points, but I loved him.

The romance wasn’t overdone. The plot moved along at a great pace- it made you want to keep reading and the action scenes were great. The plot, the development, the world, all of it was amazingly well done. I’m thrilled that I waited until the last minute to read this book, because if it wasn’t going to be in my hands on Tuesday, I would be livid. To all of you who read this when it came out and who are also waiting to get your hands on DEV1AT3, I’m so so sorry.


Contemporary, dystopian, Fantasy, Informative, Top Ten Tuesday, Young Adult

Top Ten Tuesday #15: Top Ten Rainy Day Reads

Why hello, my lovely readers! 😀

It’s Tuesday, and this topic is one very near and dear to me. Maybe that’s because rainy days don’t happen here very often. But this year we’ve had quite a few (which I LOVE) and it’s given me much more time to think about what I consider to fit in this category.

These meme lives on at: That Artsy Reader Girl

For me, it’s either a cute, fluffy contemporary reads, or they’re fantasy/ sci-fi reads that you can really get lost in. Nostalgia also plays a key role.

1. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

2. Caraval by Stephanie Garber

3. Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

4. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

5. Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

6. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

7. Scythe by Neal Shusterman

8. I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

9. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

10. A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray

Any of the same books on your list? What’ve you got that I don’t? Let me know! Send me links to your TTT’s too!


Contemporary, dystopian, Fantasy, Informative, Sci-Fi, TBR Tackle Thursday, Young Adult

TBR Tackle Thursday (#20)!

Once again, I know it’s not the right day. My bad. xD

But what a milestone! This is the 20th time I’ve done this!

For those of you who haven’t seen me or someone else do this before, here’s the gist:

  1. Go to that list of yours wherever it’s at.
  2. Go to the OLDEST stuff listed.
  3. Pick a chunk (5,10,15, 25, however many you want to go through) of books.
  4. Read the synopsis, and decide if you’re going to keep it on that list or if it’s one of those books that sounded good at the time.
  5. Post your list and your verdicts!


1. The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley by Shaun David Hutchinson


Andrew Brawley was supposed to die that night. His parents did, and so did his sister, but he survived.

Now he lives in the hospital. He serves food in the cafeteria, he hangs out with the nurses, and he sleeps in a forgotten supply closet. Drew blends in to near invisibility, hiding from his past, his guilt, and those who are trying to find him.

Then one night Rusty is wheeled into the ER, burned on half his body by hateful classmates. His agony calls out to Drew like a beacon, pulling them both together through all their pain and grief. In Rusty, Drew sees hope, happiness, and a future for both of them. A future outside the hospital, and away from their pasts.

But Drew knows that life is never that simple. Death roams the hospital, searching for Drew, and now Rusty. Drew lost his family, but he refuses to lose Rusty, too, so he’s determined to make things right. He’s determined to bargain, and to settle his debts once and for all.

But Death is not easily placated, and Drew’s life will have to get worse before there is any chance for things to get better.


KEEPING! I think I’d enjoy this one.


2. Famous Last Words by Katie Alender


Hollywood history, mystery, murder, mayhem, and delicious romance collide in this unputdownable thriller from master storyteller Katie Alender.

Willa is freaking out. It seems like she’s seeing things. Like a dead body in her swimming pool. Frantic messages on her walls. A reflection that is not her own. It’s almost as if someone—or something—is trying to send her a message.

Meanwhile, a killer is stalking Los Angeles—a killer who reenacts famous movie murder scenes. Could Willa’s strange visions have to do with these unsolved murders? Or is she going crazy? And who can she confide in? There’s Marnie, her new friend who may not be totally trustworthy. And there’s Reed, who’s ridiculously handsome and seems to get Willa. There’s also Wyatt, who’s super smart but unhealthily obsessed with the Hollywood Killer.

All Willa knows is, she has to confront the possible-ghost in her house, or she just might lose her mind . . . or her life.

Acclaimed author Katie Alender puts an unforgettable twist on this spine-chilling tale of murder, mystery, mayhem—and the movies.


This does actually sound interesting. KEEPING for now, I’m interested.


3. Cut Me Free by J.R. Johansson


Seventeen-year-old Charlotte barely escaped from her abusive parents. Her little brother, Sam, wasn’t as lucky. Now she’s trying to begin the new life she always dreamed of for them, but never thought she’d have to experience alone. She’s hired a techie-genius with a knack for forgery to remove the last ties to her old life. But while she can erase her former identity, she can’t rid herself of the memories. And her troubled history won’t let her ignore the little girl she sees one day in the park. The girl with the bruises and burn marks.

That’s when Charlotte begins to receive the messages. Threatening notes left in her apartment–without a trace of entry. And they’re addressed to Piper, her old name. As the messages grow in frequency, she doesn’t just need to uncover who is leaving them; she needs to stop whoever it is before anyone else she loves ends up dead.


I don’t know if I’m up for this. REMOVING.


4. Nimona by Noelle Stevenson


The graphic novel debut from rising star Noelle Stevenson, based on her beloved and critically acclaimed web comic, which Slate awarded its Cartoonist Studio Prize, calling it “a deadpan epic.”

Nemeses! Dragons! Science! Symbolism! All these and more await in this brilliantly subversive, sharply irreverent epic from Noelle Stevenson. Featuring an exclusive epilogue not seen in the web comic, along with bonus conceptual sketches and revised pages throughout, this gorgeous full-color graphic novel is perfect for the legions of fans of the web comic and is sure to win Noelle many new ones.

Nimona is an impulsive young shapeshifter with a knack for villainy. Lord Ballister Blackheart is a villain with a vendetta. As sidekick and supervillain, Nimona and Lord Blackheart are about to wreak some serious havoc. Their mission: prove to the kingdom that Sir Ambrosius Goldenloin and his buddies at the Institution of Law Enforcement and Heroics aren’t the heroes everyone thinks they are.

But as small acts of mischief escalate into a vicious battle, Lord Blackheart realizes that Nimona’s powers are as murky and mysterious as her past. And her unpredictable wild side might be more dangerous than he is willing to admit.


KEEPING! I’ve been dying to read this for a while, actually.


5. Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol


Kricket Hollowell is normally not one to wish upon stars; she believes they’re rarely in her favor. Well versed at dodging caseworkers from Chicago’s foster care system, the past few years on her own have made Kricket an expert at the art of survival and blending in. With her 18th birthday fast approaching, she dreams of the day when she can stop running and find what her heart needs most: a home.

Trey Allairis hates Earth and doubts that anyone from his world can thrive here. What he’s learning of Kricket and her existence away from her true home only confirms his theory. But, when he and Kricket lie together under the stars of Ethar, counting them all may be easier than letting her go.

Kyon Ensin’s secrets number the stars; he knows more about Kricket’s gifts than anyone and plans to possess her because of them. He also knows she’s more valuable than any fire in the night sky. He’ll move the heavens and align them all in order to make her his own.

When everything in their world can be broken, will Kricket rely upon love to save her under different stars?


I’ve actually wanted to read this one for a while, so KEEPING!


6. The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima


Times are hard in the mountain city of Fellsmarch. Reformed thief Han Alister will do almost anything to eke out a living for his family. The only thing of value he has is something he can’t sell—the thick silver cuffs he’s worn since birth. They’re clearly magicked—as he grows, they grow, and he’s never been able to get them off.

One day, Han and his clan friend, Dancer, confront three young wizards setting fire to the sacred mountain of Hanalea. Han takes an amulet from Micah Bayar, son of the High Wizard, to keep him from using it against them. Soon Han learns that the amulet has an evil history—it once belonged to the Demon King, the wizard who nearly destroyed the world a millennium ago. With a magical piece that powerful at stake, Han knows that the Bayars will stop at nothing to get it back.

Meanwhile, Raisa ana‘Marianna, princess heir of the Fells, has her own battles to fight. She’s just returned to court after three years of freedom in the mountains—riding, hunting, and working the famous clan markets. Raisa wants to be more than an ornament in a glittering cage. She aspires to be like Hanalea—the legendary warrior queen who killed the Demon King and saved the world. But her mother has other plans for her…

The Seven Realms tremble when the lives of Hans and Raisa collide, fanning the flames of the smoldering war between clans and wizards.


Well… I own this. And it’s fantasy and sounds interesting! KEEPING.


7. Written in the Stars by Aisha Saeed


This heart-wrenching novel explores what it is like to be thrust into an unwanted marriage. Has Naila’s fate been written in the stars? Or can she still make her own destiny?

Naila’s conservative immigrant parents have always said the same thing: She may choose what to study, how to wear her hair, and what to be when she grows up—but they will choose her husband. Following their cultural tradition, they will plan an arranged marriage for her. And until then, dating—even friendship with a boy—is forbidden. When Naila breaks their rule by falling in love with Saif, her parents are livid. Convinced she has forgotten who she truly is, they travel to Pakistan to visit relatives and explore their roots. But Naila’s vacation turns into a nightmare when she learns that plans have changed—her parents have found her a husband and they want her to marry him, now! Despite her greatest efforts, Naila is aghast to find herself cut off from everything and everyone she once knew. Her only hope of escape is Saif . . . if he can find her before it’s too late.




8. Someone Else’s Life by Katie Dale


When seventeen-year-old Rosie’s mother, Trudie, dies from Huntington’s Disease, her pain is intensified by the knowledge that she has a fifty-per-cent chance of inheriting the crippling disease herself. Only when she tells her mum’s best friend, ‘Aunt Sarah’ that she is going to test for the disease does Sarah, a midwife, reveal that Trudie was not her biological mother after all…

Devastated, Rosie decides to trace her real mother, hitching along on her ex-boyfriend’s GAP year to follow her to Los Angeles. But all does not go to plan, and as Rosie discovers yet more of her family’s deeply-buried secrets and lies, she is left with an agonising decision of her own – one which will be the most heart-breaking and far-reaching of all…




9.  Say Her Name by James Dawson


Roberta ‘Bobbie’ Rowe is not the kind of person who believes in ghosts. A Halloween dare at her ridiculously spooky boarding school is no big deal, especially when her best friend Naya and cute local boy Caine agree to join in too. They are ordered to summon the legendary ghost of ‘Bloody Mary’: say her name five times in front of a candlelit mirror, and she shall appear… But, surprise surprise, nothing happens. Or does it?

Next morning, Bobbie finds a message on her bathroom mirror… five days… but what does it mean? And who left it there? Things get increasingly weird and more terrifying for Bobbie and Naya, until it becomes all too clear that Bloody Mary was indeed called from the afterlife that night, and she is definitely not a friendly ghost. Bobbie, Naya and Caine are now in a race against time before their five days are up and Mary comes for them, as she has come for countless others before… A truly spine-chilling yet witty horror from shortlisted ‘Queen of Teen’ author James Dawson.




10. This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith


When teenage movie star Graham Larkin accidentally sends small town girl Ellie O’Neill an email about his pet pig, the two seventeen-year-olds strike up a witty and unforgettable correspondence, discussing everything under the sun, except for their names or backgrounds.

Then Graham finds out that Ellie’s Maine hometown is the perfect location for his latest film, and he decides to take their relationship from online to in-person. But can a star as famous as Graham really start a relationship with an ordinary girl like Ellie? And why does Ellie want to avoid the media’s spotlight at all costs?


I’m down for this one. KEEPING.

*** TOTAL KEPT/ REMOVED: 6/4 ***

Not too shabby this week! I’m always happy when I remove at least a few.


dystopian, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Top Ten Tuesday, Young Adult

Top Ten Tuesday (#11): Books I Own and Still Need to Read

Hello, lovely readers! It’s Tuesday and I absolutely LOVE this topic! I’ve got so many books that  I still need to get through and I own so many of them!

If you guys haven’t heard of Top Ten Tuesday yet, then check out where it began, at: The Broke and the Bookish and where it moved to, at: That Artsy Reader Girl !!


1. Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik


2. The Anomaly by Michael Rutger


3. Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young


4. Circe by Madeline Miller


5. Tempests and Slaughter by Tamora Pierce


6. The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman


7. The Cydonian Pyramid by Pete Hautman


8. A Reaper at the Gates by Sabaa Tahir


9. Ash and Quill by Rachel Caine


10. Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray


dystopian, Fantasy, Informative, Sci-Fi, TBR Tackle Thursday, Young Adult

TBR Tackle Thursday Part 15

Look at me, posting one on an actual Thursday! I’m proud of myself! xD

For those of you who haven’t done this before but need to get rid of some books from your ever-growing TBR list, here’s what to do:

  1. Go to that list of yours wherever it’s at.
  2. Go to the OLDEST stuff listed.
  3. Pick a chunk (5,10,15, 25, however many you want to go through) of books.
  4. Read the synopsis, and decide if you’re going to keep it on that list or if it’s one of those books that sounded good at the time.
  5. Post your list and your verdicts!

Here’s the last couple I’ve done if you’re curious: Part 12, Part 13, Part 14


1. The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Isn’t that what they say? But how close is too close when they may be one and the same?

The Seven Stages War left much of the planet a charred wasteland. The future belongs to the next generation’s chosen few who must rebuild it. But to enter this elite group, candidates must first pass The Testing—their one chance at a college education and a rewarding career.

Cia Vale is honoured to be chosen as a Testing candidate; eager to prove her worthiness as a University student and future leader of the United Commonwealth. But on the eve of her departure, her father’s advice hints at a darker side to her upcoming studies–trust no one.

But surely she can trust Tomas, her handsome childhood friend who offers an alliance? Tomas, who seems to care more about her with the passing of every gruelling (and deadly) day of the Testing.

To survive, Cia must choose: love without truth or life without trust.


It does sound like it’s got some potential! I tend to enjoy books/ shows with premises like this.




2. Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson


Ten years ago, Calamity came. It was a burst in the sky that gave ordinary men and women extraordinary powers. The awed public started calling them Epics.

But Epics are no friend of man. With incredible gifts came the desire to rule. And to rule man you must crush his wills.

Nobody fights the Epics…nobody but the Reckoners. A shadowy group of ordinary humans, they spend their lives studying Epics, finding their weaknesses, and then assassinating them.

And David wants in. He wants Steelheart — the Epic who is said to be invincible. The Epic who killed David’s father. For years, like the Reckoners, David’s been studying, and planning—and he has something they need. Not an object, but an experience.

He’s seen Steelheart bleed. And he wants revenge.


Okay. So, I added this because I happened across a signed copy at B&N and ended up buying it… didn’t read the synopsis but I’d heard good things. This sounds amazing!


Keeping it! I own it anyways. :p


3. The Eye of Minds by James Dashner


Michael is a gamer. And like most gamers, he almost spends more time on the VirtNet than in the actual world. The VirtNet offers total mind and body immersion, and it’s addictive. Thanks to technology, anyone with enough money can experience fantasy worlds, risk their life without the chance of death, or just hang around with Virt-friends. And the more hacking skills you have, the more fun. Why bother following the rules when most of them are dumb, anyway?

But some rules were made for a reason. Some technology is too dangerous to fool with. And recent reports claim that one gamer is going beyond what any gamer has done before: he’s holding players hostage inside the VirtNet. The effects are horrific—the hostages have all been declared brain-dead. Yet the gamer’s motives are a mystery.

The government knows that to catch a hacker, you need a hacker.

And they’ve been watching Michael. They want him on their team.

But the risk is enormous. If he accepts their challenge, Michael will need to go off the VirtNet grid. There are back alleys and corners in the system human eyes have never seen and predators he can’t even fathom—and there’s the possibility that the line between game and reality will be blurred forever.


All these books are the same colors. This sounds kinda like Warcross, I like it!


Keeping! I like Dashner as an author, may as well check it out!


4. Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler


The unbreakable bonds of love are put to the test in this romantic and suspenseful collection of the New York Times bestselling Kissed by an Angel trilogy.

A love beyond life…a danger beyond doubt.

When her boyfriend, Tristan, died, Ivy thought she’d lost everything, even her faith in angels. But now she’s discovered that he’s her guardian angel — his presence so strong that she can feel the touch of his hand, the beat of his heart. Ivy needs Tristan now more than ever because he knows she’s in terrible danger. Only Ivy’s guardian angel can save her now that his killer is after her.

But if Tristan rescues Ivy, his mission on earth will be finished, and he must leave her behind forever. Will saving Ivy mean losing her just when he’s finally reached her again?


I think I burned myself out on books like this in high school.




5. Sylo by D.J. MacHale


Does Tucker Pierce have what it takes to be a hero when the U.S. military quarantines his island?

Fourteen-year-old Tucker Pierce prefers to fly under the radar. He’s used to navigating around summer tourists in his hometown on idyllic Pemberwick Island, Maine. He’s content to sit on the sidelines as a backup player on the high school football team. And though his best friend Quinn tells him to “go for it,” he’s too chicken to ask Tori Sleeper on a date. There’s always tomorrow, he figures. Then Pemberwick Island is invaded by a mysterious branch of the U.S. military called SYLO. And sitting on the sidelines is no longer an option for Tucker, because tomorrow may never come.

It’s up to Tucker, Quinn, and Tori to uncover the truth about the singing aircraft that appears only at night—and the stranger named Feit who’s pushing a red crystal he calls the Ruby that brings unique powers to all who take it. Tucker and his friends must rescue not just Pemberwick Island, but the fate of the world—and all before tomorrow is too late. 


I love the way MacHale writes, and I think this has potential!


Keeping! I want to read this one.


6. The Princess in the Opal Mask by Jenny Lundquist


Every Fairy-Tale Ending Has a Price. . .

Orphaned as a child in the crumbling village of Tulan, Elara is determined to learn her true identity, even if it means wielding a dagger. Meanwhile, in Galandria’s royal capital, Princess Wilha stands out as someone to either worship or fear. Though no one knows why the king has always made her conceal her face—including Wilha herself.

When an assassination attempt threatens the peace of neighboring kingdoms, Elara and Wilha are brought face to face . . . with a chance at claiming new identities. However, with dark revelations now surfacing, both girls will need to decide if brighter futures are worth the binding risks.


Ehh… I feel like it’ll be like any other story like this.




7. Rosebush by Michele Jaffe


Instead of celebrating Memorial Day weekend on the Jersey Shore, Jane is in the hospital surrounded by teddy bears, trying to piece together what happened last night. One minute she was at a party, wearing fairy wings and cuddling with her boyfriend. The next, she was lying near-dead in a rosebush after a hit-and-run. Everyone believes it was an accident, despite the phone threats Jane swears were real. But the truth is a thorny thing. As Jane’s boyfriend, friends, and admirers come to visit, more memories surface-not just from the party, but from deeper in her past . . . including the night her best friend Bonnie died.

With nearly everyone in her life a suspect now, Jane must unravel the mystery before her killer attacks again. Along the way, she’s forced to examine the consequences of her life choices in this compulsively readable thriller.


Meh. I don’t really like thrillers.




8. Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry


In the zombie-infested, post-apocalyptic America where Benny Imura lives, every teenager must find a job by the time they turn fifteen or get their rations cut in half. Benny doesn’t want to apprentice as a zombie hunter with his boring older brother Tom, but he has no choice. He expects a tedious job whacking zoms for cash, but what he gets is a vocation that will teach him what it means to be human.


I love zombies. I’ll give pretty much any zombie book a try!


Keeping it, for sure!


9. The Moon Dwellers by David Estes


In a desperate attempt to escape destruction decades earlier, humankind was forced underground, into the depths of the earth, creating a new society called the Tri-Realms.

After her parents and sister are abducted by the Enforcers, seventeen-year-old Adele, a member of the middle-class moon dwellers, is unjustly sentenced to life in prison for her parents’ crimes of treason.

Against all odds, Adele must escape from the Pen and find her family, while being hunted by a deranged, killing machine named Rivet, who works for the President. She is helped by two other inmates, Tawni and Cole, each of whom have dark secrets that are better left undiscovered. Other than her friends, the only thing she has going for her is a wicked roundhouse kick and two fists that have been well-trained for combat by her father.

At the other end of the social spectrum is Tristan, the son of the President and a sun dweller. His mother is gone. He hates his father. Backed by only his servant and best friend, Roc, he leaves his lavish lifestyle in the Sun Realm, seeking to make something good out of his troubled life.

When a war breaks out within the Tri-Realms, Tristan is thrust into the middle of a conflict that seems to mysteriously follow Adele as she seeks to find her family and uncover her parents true past.

In their world, someone must die.


Well, color me intrigued! This sounds so good! 😀


Keeping it! I’m super excited.


10. Lockdown by Alexander Gordon Smith


Furnace Penitentiary: the world’s most secure prison for young offenders, buried a mile beneath the earth’s surface. Convicted of a murder he didn’t commit, sentenced to life without parole, “new fish” Alex Sawyer knows he has two choices: find a way out, or resign himself to a death behind bars, in the darkness at the bottom of the world. Except in Furnace, death is the least of his worries. Soon Alex discovers that the prison is a place of pure evil, where inhuman creatures in gas masks stalk the corridors at night, where giants in black suits drag screaming inmates into the shadows, where deformed beasts can be heard howling from the blood-drenched tunnels below. And behind everything is the mysterious, all-powerful warden, a man as cruel and dangerous as the devil himself, whose unthinkable acts have consequences that stretch far beyond the walls of the prison.

Together with a bunch of inmates—some innocent kids who have been framed, others cold-blooded killers—Alex plans an escape. But as he starts to uncover the truth about Furnace’s deeper, darker purpose, Alex’s actions grow ever more dangerous, and he must risk everything to expose this nightmare that’s hidden from the eyes of the world.


I’m sold! It sounds fascinating and it’s got great reviews!


Keeping it!

*** Total Kept/ Removed: 7/3 ***

Not too terrible, I would say! At least I got rid of some that have been on there for YEARS!


dystopian, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Top Ten Tuesday, Young Adult

Top Ten Tuesday (#5): Books to Pull You Out of a Reading Slump

For those of you who haven’t heard about this one yet, check out where it originally came from at: The Broke and Bookish and then where it moved to at That Artsy Reader Girl if you’d like to participate in the future!

Okay, I actually kind of LOVE this topic. There are so many books that I personally use in order to get myself out of reading slumps, but I’m excited to see what books other people use in order to do the same thing!

So, let’s get this show on the road!


1-3. Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door, and Isla and the Happily Ever After by Anna Perkins

I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve read each of these in order to get myself out of a reading slump. I just adore the characters and I love the progression of each story and relationship.


4. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

Ughh I love these ones so much. The humor in all of these never fails to get me out of a slump, especially with them being fairy tale retellings and having that lovely aspect of also being sci-fi related.


5+6. Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare

Once again, I love visiting the characters in these books so damn much! The humor and the story lines just make me so happy every time I read them.


7. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

Because, I mean, how fucking amazing are thee books? I could read them any time I’m in a slump and just re-immerse myself in the world and the magic.


8. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

I’ve read this book probably ten times at least and I just adore it each and every time. I love Charlie and I love his way of speaking to the reader.


9. The Firebird Chronicles by Claudia Gray

Because these books are just so. freaking. good. I love the characters and the concept and I love visiting all the worlds within these books.


10. Scythe by Neal Shusterman

Because OH MY GOSH. These books are so damn good and I just absolutely CANNOT wait for the next book to come out. But the first was so good and I read it the first time in the middle of a HARD slump and it worked perfectly.

Any books you use to get out of slumps on this list? 🙂


dystopian, Fantasy, Question, Sci-Fi, Top Ten Tuesday, Young Adult

Top Ten Tuesday! (#2): Books I Could Re-read Forever

Hello, dear readers! It’s that time of the week… Top Ten Tuesday!

For those of you who haven’t checked out this meme previously, checkout where it started at The Broke and the Bookish and then checkout whose good hands it’s in now over at That Artsy Reader Girl !

So, this week’s Top Ten is actually Favorite novellas/ short stories, but I’m honestly not big on either, and aside from reading The Assassin’s Blade for the backstories, I really haven’t read any and I intend to keep it that way, so here’s #379, Books I Could Re-read Forever.


1. The Mortal Instruments and

2. The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare

I’m a sucker for these. The Infernal Devices will always be my go-to when it comes to wanting to revisit the Shadowhunter world. Especially because I absolutely ADORE the characters. I love the time period, and I like the villain and the plot a lot more than The Mortal Instruments. BUT, that being said, I do still love The Mortal Instruments. It’s the series that started it all and I adore the introductions to the world. Clare has always just been an auto-buy author and I love the world that she created and the characters in it.


3. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Honestly, I’m a sucker for this book. Did it have its issues? Sure. But I fell in love with these characters when I read it for the first time YEARS ago, I immediately loved it. Then the movie came out and I was SO EXCITED. Then I got a phone call from my mom asking if I was interesting in a book signing and Q&A with Stephen Chbosky at a screening of the movie. I jumped on that opportunity and it was probably one of the most incredible nights of my life. Getting to hear his thoughts on the movie and the changes he approved was amazing and he told his story and his inspiration for the book. Then, getting to meet him was probably one of the best moments ever. He’s the most humble, down to earth author I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet and is to this day my favorite author moment. Thank you, Chbosky for this book. For your story. For your writing. For Charlie.


4. Percy Jackson and the Olympians and

5. The Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan

He’s another auto-buy author for me. I’m a total sucker for anything that has to do with pretty much any mythology. Greek and Roman have always been two of my favorites, so when I read these I immediately fell in love. I’ve re-read PJO several times already and read HO a couple times in the last few years. The characters. The humor. The adventures. I just adore these books and the strong characters. Even writing this is making me all nostalgic and I want to read them all again ASAP.


6. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

I mean… I mean… seriously. The world building alone in these books is enough to make me want to read this series over and over. But I love the whole angels vs. demons thing where you’re actually rooting for the demons. I love how creative she is with the chimaera and the lore behind the world. Karou is probably one of my favorite protagonists ever. With her blue hair, kick-ass attitude,  amazing best friend, and everything else that makes her who she is, it was impossible not to fall in love with her. And Akiva… ugh. I loved Akiva so much and I just absolutely love reading their story over and over again.


7. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

Again, I loved the world-building in this series. Juliette was such an awesome main character. And then you factor in the supporting characters. Kenji, Warner, Adam, and everyone else, it makes it so easy to get into it time and time again. Plus you factor in those gorgeous covers and you can’t go wrong. I haven’t read the most recent book in the series yet, but I plan on reading it soon, which may call for a re-read! xD


8. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

One of my favorite books ever, hands down. I mean, nothing will ever beat that first read, as is the case with a lot of books. But, my goodness. This book. I literally read through this book in only a couple sittings and actually finished it at work. It’s been a while since I cried that hard during a book. I had zero expectations when I went into this book a few years ago and I’m so glad that I picked it up. The movie was good, but I definitely LOVED the book a million times more and I have already re-read it multiple times. I mean, who wouldn’t want to continue to visit the Oasis?

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9. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

I mean… this one’s obvious, right? Literally started reading this series when I was only 8 years old and it’s honestly what got me into reading. My parents bought me the boxed set of the first 4 books for Christmas when I was 10 because that’s all that was out at that point and she wanted me to have my own copies. Now they’re beat to shit, but I still adore those copies because they were some of the first books that were mine. Now I own several copies and have read the series at least once a year since 2000. The nostalgia is real when it comes to these books. I love Rowling so much.


10. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

I love these girls. I love these books. I love the setting(s) and the school and everything else. The girls are all so unique and I love them all for their own things. I love how REAL these books were. They literally make you feel like you’re right alongside these characters and seeing how much they grow and how their stories develop. I read these books any time that I’m in a slump because they never fail to do the trick!

Any of you guys re-read any of these or have your own you like to read?
