Adult Fiction, Book Reviews, Fantasy

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Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

5/5 for this one, without a doubt.

“The books we love, they love us back. And just as we mark our places in the pages, those pages leave their marks on us. I can see it in you, sure as I see it in me. You’re a daughter of the words. A girl with a story to tell.”

I don’t have any idea why I put off reading this book for as long as I did. Holy. Crap. I’ve had this sitting on my shelf for more than a year now and for whatever reason, started reading and only got about 50 pages in the first time and just hadn’t been in the mood. But a special thank you to the lovely Allison for volunteering to do a buddy read with me because we’d both been wanting to read it.

The world building in this book was absolutely amazing and the CHARACTERS. Oh my goodness, I was absolutely dying. I love the idea of there being a super intense school to train assassins. It was like reading about Hogwarts but on a whole different level. My goodness though, the classes at the Red Church take things to a whole new level.

Mia had one of the most incredible journeys, even though just this first book. Watching her father die, and the events that passed after that. Finding out she’s a Darkin and having to learn everything that comes with that… and everything that happened once she finally made it to the Red Church. Ugh.

Tric. She met him on the way to Red Church and I immediately loved the kid. He’s sassy, resourceful, smart, and I absolutely loved him as a character.

I want to go into all of the classes that they have to endure, but I don’t want to give anything away. Because, wow.

MISTER KINDLY. This review is so disorganized, but I don’t even care. It sums up my thoughts on this book perfectly, because it was absolutely insane.

Last thing before I end this non-flowing and just all-around mess of a review- I LOVED the footnotes. Loved them. I think it’s honestly one of the biggest complaints I see about this book, but they were fantastic. Kristoff is hilarious and I feel like so much of the footnotes were really just his inner ramblings as he was writing about certain things, and I loved that. I felt like we got some more insight to the amazing author and the way his mind works, and I think it was done beautifully.

Kristoff, thank you for this masterpiece and the amazing queen that is Mia.


Currently Reading:

Zodiac (page 132)

-Lauren xx