
Back to it

Whelp. I was so determined to be back to regular posting and was so excited. Then, last Monday, I took a spill down the stairs and dislocated my shoulder. It’ll definitely be a recovery process and today I finally feel okay enough to type this out. 2023 has definitely already thrown some curveballs at me, and I really just can’t wait to not be in pain and to be able to sleep without a sling on. But, baby steps. Wanted to update y’all and let you know that I’m okay. I’m not disappearing again, and hopefully I can get back on here and post some more reviews, I need to finish up January- I read 12 books in January, and finished one in February so far, though I know that number will increase since I’m not allowed to go back to work until the 21st of this month.

Hope everyone is doing well, I hope you’re all hitting your reading goals, and life goals so far this year. Let’s make the rest of the year great! I know I’ll be much more appreciative of having both arms functional again.

Much love,